Sunday, September 6, 2009

Open universiti malaysia
English fo oral communication
This cours is divided into 10 topics.The synopsis for each topic can be listed as follows:

Topic 1 is concerned with looking at and listening to speech sounds in terms of how they are produced in the vocal tract,including sounds and soundpatternsassociated with the systemeticpatterning of a particularwordarticalation or pronuncitaion.This topic covers the main elements of articulatory sounds such as consonans,vowels,diphthongs,homophones and homonyms.The focus of this lesson is prepare learners for the correct speech production.

Topic 2 refers to ways of listening and responding to another person that improve mutual understanding.It is a structured form the listening and responding that focuses the attension on the speaker.Since listening is hard work,this topic will guide learnes on to improve their ability to distinguish and identify releven pertinent to listening and speaking skills.

topic 3will expose learners to more advanced and sop

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sp band-sungeipatey band is establish in 1997.The first members is Bahel,anam ,barry,mombol,careca